Employee advocacy programs have been around for quite some time. Now, this topic is becoming more and more important, and more and more companies pay attention to this important topic.
Some programs are successful, and some programs fail. So if you’re thinking about launching your own brand ambassador program, then there is one thing that you have to remember. Stop putting your corporate brand first and focus on your employees’ personal brands.
Because often, even when employer branding is great, there is one missing point. People don’t want to share the corporate message. Not because they don’t like the company but because they are missing their why- what is in it for me? If you focus on helping them build their own personal brand first, they will understand what is in this for them and find their why, a deeper meaning to their job & better alignment with the corporate values.
And once they do, they will also find their authentic voice and true authentic style. That would help them to connect with their audience and will also help to amplify your corporate brand and maximize everything that you are doing on social media.