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Olesija Saue - Personal Branding

CXO Outlook® asked me this question in a recent interview. Reflecting on my journey in building my personal brand, the greatest challenge was undoubtedly embracing my authentic self, with all its imperfections. Like many, I was initially caught up in the pursuit of perfection, wanting to present a polished image that I thought was ‘right.’

I began sharing my story timidly, with a quiet, trembling voice, one small piece at a time. And then the next time, a little more and a little bolder, until finally, I fully embraced my unique story. I’ve discovered that I can only tell my story boldly and clearly by getting to know myself and accepting myself just the way I am.

Tell the story in a way that reaches other people’s hearts, touches them, speaks to them, and inspires them to look inside and discover the hidden gems that make them so unique and so precious. Because in retrospect, my most painful experiences have been my greatest hidden blessings – and that is where my most extraordinary personal power lies.

Owning your story and fully accepting yourself gives you wings. Over the years, I have learned to understand, appreciate, and be who I really am. All my life, I have wanted to inspire others to act. Now I know that to inspire others, all you need is to be yourself. To feel, accept and love yourself just as you are.

By living life in harmony with our hearts and sharing our stories, speaking directly from the heart, we reach into others’ hearts and inspire them to seek their uniqueness and passion, which gives them wings and the freedom to fly high.

As Howard Thurman has said — ‘Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.’ Let others get inspired by how you do YOU, how you live your passion, deal with your imperfections, spread your wings and fly high.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through this process is the bravest thing that we will ever do – but there is no need to tell a perfect story to inspire others—just the real one.

And once you do, Your people (right customers, right partners, right employees) will come to you. Because of YOU. Because of YOUR story.

Don’t wait for your hero journey to come to a happy ending before you are ready to tell your perfect story. You will never know what you are truly capable of until you make that very first frightening step.

And you will never know who needs to hear YOUR story right this moment until you decide to tell it.
What is YOUR biggest challenge when it comes to your personal branding?

Join me on a journey to building a global personal brand: