People buy from people and sharing useful content via employees networks helps you to reach a sufficient number of potential customers easier so that your salespeople do not have to “get on their nerves” or “wait aggressively.” By trusting your people and investing in the creation of their personal bands you can use the opportunities of social media most effectively and significantly increase both visibility and credibility of your brand.
Several studies show how considerable changes can happen when you encourage your employees to share posts about their company also on their own social media channels. Content shared by employees is considered to be 3x more reliable than content shared by companies. We also engage with (like, comment) the posts of employees 8x more and we also share this content in our own network with 24 x higher probability.
The international PR company MSL Group highlights that employees have on average ten times more social contacts than companies and that if the company’s message is shared by the employee, it reaches 561% further than via the company’s official channels.
But it only works, if the corporate message is aligned with a personal brand.
In order to be authentic on social media, It’s very important to understand yourself, your style, and your communication style If you want to use personal branding to help and amplify your corporate message.
Think, how you are talking to people when you meet them 1: 1 and what communication style are you using on social media? It should be the same everywhere, including videos, posts, or articles.
You have to pinpoint the things and the themes that you truly relate to and communicate your corporate message from your own perspective, through the prism of your own values, sharing your personal story, in the way, that you would talk to people in real life.