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Olesija Saue, Personal Branding

You’ve heard me say this multiple times- a personal brand is not just a career asset—it’s a necessity. A strong personal brand sets you apart, showcases your expertise, and opens doors to new opportunities. However, working with many individuals, irrespective of their experience and position, stepping into the spotlight can be daunting, with several fears and challenges standing in the way. It can often feel like standing before a dragon—intimidating and overwhelming. But like any mythical creature, dragons can be tamed or, even better- befriended. The trick is not to run away or ignore them but to acknowledge them and learn to move through fear. Let’s use some NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to transform your dragons into allies on your journey to personal branding success.

1. Name the Dragon: Identifying Your Fears

Before you can tame a dragon, you must first face it. This means identifying and naming the fears that are holding you back. The most common fears in personal branding include:

  • Fear of exposure or visibility:I’m concerned about putting myself out there.” This dragon looms large as the digital landscape requires visibility which you have no control over. It can and, in most cases, does feel vulnerable and intimidating.
  • Fear of inadequacy:I worry my content isn’t good enough or interesting> I’m not enough.” This dragon thrives on comparison, making you doubt your own value and the worth of what you share.
  • Overwhelm with content creation:The thought of constantly having to create new content is overwhelming.” This dragon makes the process of content creation feel like a never-ending, exhausting task.
  • Engagement anxiety: “I am afraid of negative feedback. What if they don’t like what I say? What if nobody pays attention at all?” This dragon feeds on the fear of criticism and being ignored, making it hard to show up and interact confidently with your audience.
  • Time and energy concerns:I’m concerned about the time and energy required for personal branding and digital presence.” This dragon creates a sense of scarcity, making it seem impossible to balance branding efforts with other responsibilities.

By giving your dragon a name, you turn an abstract fear into something tangible. Naming the dragon allows you to acknowledge its presence without letting it control you. Once identified, this dragon becomes something you can confront and ultimately conquer. What name can you give it that diminishes its power over you? This name should serve as a reminder that you have the power to choose your reactions and beliefs. I invite you to take on a playful attitude and give your dragon a funny name- it will immediately change state and lessen the fear.

2. Reframe the Battle: Changing Perspectives

Now that you’ve named your dragon, it’s time to reframe the battle. Instead of viewing your dragon as an insurmountable obstacle, see it as an opportunity for growth. Reframing is about shifting your perspective from fear to empowerment:

  • Fear of exposure: Reframe this as an opportunity to showcase your value and connect with others. Instead of fearing vulnerability, embrace it as a bridge to authentic engagement.
  • Fear of inadequacy: Remember that your unique perspective is valuable. Instead of focusing on how you might not measure up, consider how your voice adds something fresh and authentic to the conversation and positively impacts others.
  • Overwhelm with content creation: See content creation not as a daunting task but as an ongoing dialogue with a friend. Using it as a way to reflect on your real-life activities and document your journey can make this process more sustainable.
  • Engagement anxiety: Shift your focus from the fear of criticism to the potential for meeting and connecting with Your people. Make it not about You but about people who can benefit from your knowledge, experiences, and insights.
  • Time and energy concerns: Reframe these concerns by prioritizing high-impact activities and integrating branding into your routine. Recognize that consistency, not quantity, drives long-term success. Commit to non-negotiables, like posting 1x per week, and build a habit and momentum first. Once you have a solid foundation, you can start to increase the frequency.

3. Embrace the Adventure: Using Metaphor for Engagement

Engage with your journey by treating it like a grand adventure or a fun game. Imagine your personal branding journey as a quest where each fear or challenge is just a dragon to be tamed. This metaphorical approach can make the process feel less like a chore and more like an exploration:

  • Fear of Exposure becomes the dragon guarding the treasure of authentic connection. By confronting it, you unlock the ability to connect deeply with your people.
  • Fear of Inadequacy becomes the dragon of self-doubt, which you defeat by sharing your unique insights and trusting in your worth.
  • Overwhelm with Content Creation becomes the dragon of endless tasks, which you can tame by setting clear goals and leveraging existing content.
  • Engagement Anxiety becomes the dragon of judgment, which you face with courage by focusing on constructive engagement and growth.
  • Time and Energy Concerns become the dragon of scarcity, which you manage by prioritizing and integrating personal branding into your daily routine.

Viewing your journey through the lens of a story injects a sense of fun and curiosity, which can help reduce the perceived risk of failure and make the process more enjoyable.

4. Enter the Circle of Excellence: Accessing Resourceful States

To effectively face your dragon, you need to draw upon your inner strengths—your confidence, creativity, and resilience. Picture a circle around you filled with these qualities, a safe space where you can access the best parts of yourself. This “Circle of Excellence” is where you harness the power of your past successes and step into a state of competence:

  • Fear of exposure: Step into your circle with the memory of a time when you confidently presented yourself or your work.
  • Fear of inadequacy: Enter the circle by recalling moments when your contributions were valued and appreciated.
  • Overwhelm with content creation: Channel past experiences where you effectively managed multiple tasks or projects and succeeded.
  • Engagement anxiety: Access the circle by remembering a time when you received positive feedback or successfully engaged with others.
  • Time and energy concerns: Think of times when you efficiently balanced competing priorities to create space for personal branding activities.

Whenever you feel the dragon’s breath, step into this circle and embody the traits you need to tackle the challenge head-on. With this resourceful state, you’re equipped to face any dragon that comes your way.

5. Commit to Small Steps: Building Momentum

Taming a dragon doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience, persistence, and small, baby steps. Break down the journey into manageable steps, each one a small victory that builds your confidence and momentum:

  • Fear of exposure: Start by sharing small, comfortable pieces of content and gradually increase your visibility.
  • Fear of inadequacy: Begin with sharing content that aligns with your strengths and grow from there.
  • Overwhelm with content creation: Set realistic goals, like one piece of content per week, and gradually build up.
  • Engagement anxiety: Engage with supportive communities or groups where you feel safe and gradually expand your interactions.
  • Time and energy concerns: Dedicate specific times of the day or week to personal branding tasks to create a habit.

Each small step is like a stepping stone on your path. These small steps lead to quick wins, creating positive feedback loops that reinforce desired behavior and mindset changes. Each one brings you closer to taming your dragon and mastering your personal brand.

Reflection: Turning Fear into Power

To truly tame your dragons, it’s essential to reflect on the beliefs that give them power. Ask yourself:

  • “What exactly am I afraid of when it comes to building my digital presence?”
  • “What do I believe will happen if I put myself out there online?”
  • “Is this fear or belief an absolute truth?”
  • “What evidence do I have that supports this belief? Is there evidence against it?”
  • “How do I feel when I hold onto this belief?”
  • “What am I unable to do or achieve because of this belief?”
  • “How would I feel without this belief? What could I accomplish if I didn’t have this fear?”

The journey of personal branding is filled with dragons, each representing the fears and challenges that we must face. But with courage, strategy, and the right mindset, these dragons can be tamed. By naming your fears, reframing your perspective, embracing the adventure, accessing your inner strengths, and committing to small, consistent actions, you CAN AND WILL transform your fears into powerful allies. Each dragon you tame brings you closer to building a personal brand that truly reflects your unique value and story. So, gear up, step into your Circle of Excellence, and embark on your quest—your dragons are waiting to be tamed. And the people around you need to hear your story. Not when you have finally conquered all your dragons and reached the top, but right now. Remember, most inspiring stories are not the ones told from the top but those shared by someone like us just a couple of steps ahead.

Join me on a journey to building a global personal brand