
Mõned esitlusteemad persoonibrändi loomisest

  • Muuda oma potentsiaal tõeliseks ja püsivaks
  • Persoonibrändi tähtsussinu rahvusvahelises müügistrateegias
  • Kuidas saavutada oma ärieesmärke läbi strateegilise persoonibrändi loomise
  • Parim müügi- ja turunduskanal, mida kipume ignoreerima.
  • Tegevjuhi persoonibränd: laienda oma mõjuala
  • Müüge südamele ja mõistus järgneb.
  • Digitaalne Sina

  • Sinu ainulaadne müügieelis, mida keegi ei saa kopeerida
  • Persoonibränding kui juhi äritööriist
  • Kuidas müüa ilma müümata?
  • Äri on isiklik
  • Ei mingit suudlemist esimesel kohtingul. Miks sotsiaalne müük on nagu tutvumine?
  • LinkedIni jõud persoonibrändi loomisel

täielikult kohandatud võtmesõnad ja töötoad


Olesija on inspireeriv ja tõeliselt hästi struktureeritud esineja, kes annab sulle jõudu ja suurendab sinu usku endasse ja oma brändi. Ta paneb sind tundma erakordse potentsiaaliga inimesena. Mul on olnud temaga suurepäraseid kogemusi koolitajana ja esinejana, kes pani mind vastutama oma elu muutmise eest. Tema on kindlasti see, kes peaks sõna võtma juhul, kui inimesed tahavad oma elus midagi erakordset saavutada. Olesija aitab sind isegi väikese kõnega, et maksimeerida sinu kogemust inimesena. Lisaks on ta tõesti otsekohene kõneleja, kes käsitleb ja kaasab publikut viisil, kus igaüks tunneb end erilisena.

Ivar Raav

Olesija on suurepärane kirglik esineja, kes annab edasi teadmisi ja muudab kuulajate mõttemaailma, süstib neisse usku ja innustab tegutsema. Ta on lihtsalt selline - rääkimine on tema DNA-s. Olen jaganud temaga külalisesinejana lava ja lasknud tal oma üritusel rääkida. Mõlemad kogemused olid ergutavad ja inspireerivad. Kui soovid oma üritusele kõnelejat, kes tõeliselt lisab kuulajatele väärtust ning paneb neid mõtlema ja tegutsema, siis ära otsige edasi ja võta temaga ühendust.

Timo Porval

Mõned varasemad esinemised

  • Persoonibrändi tähtsus sinu rahvusvahelise müügistrateegia jaoks – Think Global konverents virtuaalne sündmus
  • Ainus ainulaadne müügieelis, mis aitab teil oma äri kasvatada – Voices of Women tippkohtumise virtuaalne sündmus
  • Kuidas kasutada persoonibrändi investorite meelitamiseks
  • Müük ja turundus steroididel – persoonibrändingu jõud. Ettevõtlusnädal
  • Teie ainulaadne müügieelis, mida keegi ei saa kopeerida – Microsoft Soft Skills
  • Ei mingit suudlemist esimesel kohtingul – miks sotsiaalne müük on nagu kohting? Siemens Business Forum
  • Olles tööandja brändi saadik. Grant Thornton igaaastane konverents
  • Sotsiaalmeedia strateegia, mis töötab. Sotsiaalmeedia konverents, virtuaalne sündmus. Best Marketing
  • Tööandja kuvandi loomine: võitlus talentide pärast. Kommunikatsioonijuhtimise aastakonverents
  • Kuidas jõuda LinkedIni abil oma unistuste töötajateni? Eesti Koolitus- ja Konverentsikeskus
  • Persoonibrändi jõud. Ettevõtluspäev

Peaettekannete näidised

No kissing on the first date- Why Social Selling is like Dating

keynote presentation
In today's digitally connected world, the way we sell has changed dramatically. Gone are the days of cold calling and door-to-door sales. Instead, we are seeing a rise in social selling. Social selling is all about building relationships, establishing trust, and understanding the needs and desires of your prospects. It's about making an authentic human connection, finding common ground, and nurturing the relationship over time. In this keynote, I explore the parallels between social selling and dating and how organizations and teams can benefit from embracing this technique. I will share real-life examples, practical tips, and best practices to help you master the art of social selling. Whether you're a sales professional looking to boost your results, or a business leader seeking to stay ahead of the curve, this keynote is for you. Let's dive into the world of social selling and discover how it can help you build stronger relationships with your prospects and customers.

Your unique competitive advantage that no one can copy

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In today's fast-paced world, competition is fierce, and standing out from the crowd can be challenging. But what if I told you already have a unique competitive advantage that no one can copy? Your personal brand DNA combines your unique strengths, values, style, and story. It's what makes you who you are and sets you apart from everyone else. In this keynote, we will explore how to fully understand your personal brand DNA and share it in a way that resonates with your target audience. We will delve into the importance of authenticity and how to leverage your strengths to create a lasting impression. By the end of this keynote, you will better understand what sets you apart from the competition and how to use that to your advantage. In addition, you will learn how to communicate your personal brand effectively and leave a lasting impression on your audience. So, this keynote is suitable for your audience whether they are entrepreneurs, business leaders, your employees or a professionals looking to differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace. Let's dive into the world of personal branding and discover how to leverage your unique competitive advantage to achieve your goals and create win-win solutions.

Being the Employer Brand Ambassador

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The international PR company MSL Group highlights that employees have on average ten times more social contacts than companies, and that if the company’s message is shared by the employee, it reaches 561% further Ninety-eight percent of employees have at least one social media channel for personal use, and at least 50% already post about their companies. For employers this situation is both an opportunity and a challenge. It is important to understand how to make the reality that cannot be changed any longer work for you. Of course, many companies would use this opportunity if it was that easy. Often, the problem is that employees do not want to share this content on their own channels. However, it can be made useful for both parties. If you focus strategically on creating and developing employees’ personal brands, the wide-spread problem that the employees do not want to share or do not care to share the company’s message will disappear. They would do it with pleasure. They just need to be given a reason why they should do it. Growing and developing their professional personal brand is a very good reason. Employees with a strong personal brand are the best communication and sales channel of their employer, and therefore, every employer should support the development of their employees’ personal brands and tie them with the brand of their product or service. This presentation will focus on helping your employees become passionate brand ambassadors.

Personal branding as a business tool of a leader

keynote presentation, workshops
As a leader, your personal brand is a reflection of your values, your vision, and your leadership style. It can be a powerful tool for building trust, establishing credibility, and inspiring others to follow your lead. But what exactly is personal brand? Nowadays, it is what people know about you before you enter the room. It is the sum total of all the impressions you make on others online and offline, and it can profoundly impact your success as a leader. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager, or a CEO, your personal brand can help you achieve your goals and inspire your team to do great things. During this presentation, I will share some of the key strategies for building a strong personal brand as a leader both offline and online. We will discuss how to identify your unique personal brand DNA, communicate your message effectively, and build trust and credibility with your team and stakeholders.

Looking for a Passionate & Inspiring Speaker on Personal Branding?